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Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440042


La formación de profesionales demanda que el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje tenga una visión integradora para alcanzar los objetivos generales con los niveles de profundidad y dominio requeridos. A partir de ello, es que se introduce una novedosa forma de abordar la interdisciplinariedad, aplicando estrategias curriculares. La aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la formación de los médicos generales no ha sido sistemática ni de forma coordinada por el colectivo de profesores de inglés en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Es objetivo de los autores describir una tesis de maestría que contiene: metodología y acciones para implementarla desde la disciplina y asignaturas de inglés, un curso de posgrado para profesores de este idioma y ofertas de bibliografías actualizadas impresas y digitales como materiales de consulta para el estudio independiente, cuyos contenidos se aplican de forma satisfactoria para solucionar las carencias mencionadas.

The training of professionals demands that the teaching-learning process have an integrating vision to achieve the general objectives with the required levels of depth and mastery. From this, a new way of approaching interdisciplinarity is introduced, applying curricular strategies. The application of herbal and folk Medicine in the training of general practitioners has not been systematic or coordinated by the group of English teachers at the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. The authors' objective is to describe a master's thesis that contains: methodology and actions to implement it from the discipline and subjects of English, a postgraduate course for teachers of this language and offers of updated printed and electronic bibliographies as reference materials for the independent study whose contents are satisfactorily applied to solve the aforementioned deficiencies.

Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Education, Professional , Language
Edumecentro ; 14: e2426, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404629


RESUMEN Introducción: la enseñanza problémica es considerada por muchos pedagogos como la forma de proceder más eficiente que puede adoptar el profesor durante el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. Es uno de los modelos de aprendizaje que desarrolla el pensamiento creativo del estudiante. Objetivo: analizar el valor metodológico del método problémico en la formación del estudiante de Medicina, como necesidad y no como alternativa en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sistemática para desarrollar un análisis del contenido de documentos: tesis de doctorado, maestrías, artículos originales y de revisión publicados entre 2007 y 2022 en español. Se consultaron 25 artículos y seleccionaron 20. La búsqueda fue realizada en las bases de datos SciELO y Google Académico de diciembre a febrero de 2022. Tras la identificación de los estudios preseleccionados, se llevó a cabo la lectura de los títulos, resúmenes y palabras clave para comprobar su pertinencia con el estudio. Desarrollo: asumir los métodos problémicos en la enseñanza de la Medicina significa apropiarse de métodos productivos y activos; constituye una vía para resolver los problemas profesionales y favorece el proceso de desarrollo autónomo y creador del estudiante. Conclusiones: en la formación del estudiante de Medicina los métodos problémicos constituyen una necesidad, una vía efectiva para lograr el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico; permiten acercarlo a la investigación científica.

ABSTRACT Introduction: problem teaching is considered by many pedagogues as the most efficient way of proceeding that the teacher can adopt during the teaching-learning process. It is one of the learning models that develops the student's creative thinking. Objective: to analyze the methodological value of the problematic method in the formation of the Medicine student, as a necessity and not as an alternative in the teaching-learning process. Methods: A systematic bibliographic review was carried out to develop an analysis of the content of documents: doctoral theses, master's degrees, original and review articles published between 2007 and 2022 in Spanish. 25 articles were consulted and 20 were selected. The search was carried out in the SciELO and Google Scholar databases from December to February 2022. After identifying the pre-selected studies, the titles, abstracts and keywords were read. To check its relevance to the study. Development: assuming the problematic methods in the teaching of Medicine means appropriating productive and active methods, it constitutes a way to solve professional problems. It favors the process of autonomous and creative development of the student. Conclusions: in the formation of the medical student, the problem methods constitute a necessity, an effective way to achieve the development of logical thinking, they allow him to approach scientific research.

Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Education, Medical , Education, Professional , Learning
Edumecentro ; 12(1): 46-60, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089998


RESUMEN Fundamento: la Medicina Natural y Tradicional es una especialidad de perfil amplio, con enfoque científico, único y holístico, que emplea métodos, técnicas y procedimientos para la promoción de salud, prevención de las enfermedades, diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación, con sistemas médicos basados en métodos tradicionales y naturales, ancestrales o modernos. Objetivo: diseñar un software educativo para el aprendizaje de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en estudiantes de las ciencias médicas. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo e innovación tecnológica durante el curso 2017-2018, en la Facultad de Medicina No.1 de Santiago de Cuba. Se emplearon métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis y sistémico-estructural; empíricos para la recogida de la información, la valoración del producto por especialistas y usuarios y la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: el análisis documental facilitó la selección de los contenidos según los objetivos trazados para la confección del software; en su diseño se tuvieron en cuenta cuatro etapas; se seleccionó el Crheasoft versión 3.0 para su creación y se utilizó el Adobe Photoshop 10 para editar las imágenes. En su estructura contiene temario, mediateca, complementarios, ejercicios y glosario. Conclusiones: fue evaluado como Adecuado por los especialistas y de Bien por los usuarios según los aspectos técnicos, psicopedagógicos y comunicacionales, lo cual evidencia su calidad y pertinencia demostradas también en la efectividad del aprendizaje logrado con su aplicación.

ABSTRACT Background: Herbal and Folk Medicine is a wide profile specialty, with a scientific, unique and holistic approach, which uses methods, techniques and procedures for health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, with medical based systems in folk and Herbal , ancestral or modern methods. Objective: to design educational software for learning Herbal and Folk Medicine in students of medical sciences. Methods: a research on technological development and innovation was carried out during the 2017-2018 academic year, at Santiago de Cuba Faculty of Medicine School1. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and systemic-structural; empirical ones data collection, product evaluation by specialists and users and descriptive statistics. Results: the documentary analysis facilitated the selection of the contents according to the objectives set for the preparation of the software; four stages were taken into account in its design, Crheasoft version 3.0 was selected for its creation and Adobe Photoshop 10 was used to edit the images. In its structure it contains list of contents, media library, complementary exercises and glossary. Conclusions: it was evaluated as adequate by specialists and good by users according to the technical, psycho pedagogical and communicational aspects, which demonstrates its quality and relevance also demonstrated in the effectiveness of learning achieved with its application.

Students, Medical , Medical Informatics Applications , Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Information Technologies and Communication Projects , Medicine, Traditional
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-798194


Objective@#To investigate the interest and awareness of traditional Chinese medicine undergraduates on the course of Chinese medical literature, and to provide suggestions for further enhancement of undergraduates' cognition and in-depth study of this subject.@*Methods@#Taking Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an example, 726 undergraduates were sampled and randomly sampled by stratified sampling, and the interest and awareness of Chinese medical literature were suveyed and summarized, and the factors that led to this situation were analyzed.@*Results@#A total of 119 (16.4%) knew and took the course, 78 (10.7%) said they often read Chinese medical literature on their own initiative, 455 (62.7%) said that the factors affecting their access to Chinese medical literature were reading difficulties. 410 (56.5%) students suggested that the course of Chinese medical literature should be open as an optional course.@*Conclusions@#The undergraduates have high interest and low awareness of the Chinese medical literature. It is suggested that the school should carry out curriculum reform and organize relevant publicity activities in order to increase the awareness of the undergraduates on the Chinese medical literature.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-751819


Objective To investigate the interest and awareness of traditional Chinese medicine undergraduates on the course of Chinese medical literature, and to provide suggestions for further enhancement of undergraduates' cognition and in-depth study of this subject. Methods Taking Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an example, 726 undergraduates were sampled and randomly sampled by stratified sampling, and the interest and awareness of Chinese medical literature were suveyed and summarized, and the factors that led to this situation were analyzed. Results A total of 119 (16.4%) knew and took the course, 78 (10.7%) said they often read Chinese medical literature on their own initiative, 455 (62.7%) said that the factors affecting their access to Chinese medical literature were reading difficulties. 410 (56.5%) students suggested that the course of Chinese medical literature should be open as an optional course. Conclusions The undergraduates have high interest and low awareness of the Chinese medical literature. It is suggested that the school should carry out curriculum reform and organize relevant publicity activities in order to increase the awareness of the undergraduates on the Chinese medical literature.

Med. U.P.B ; 37(1): 17-24, ene. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-878936


Objetivo: la automedicación en estudiantes de medicina es una práctica común que representa importantes riesgos personales. El objetivo de este artículo es explorar las actitudes, conocimientos y prácticas frente a la automedicación de productos herbales y psicofármacos en estudiantes de medicina. Metodología: estudio descriptivo transversal que incluyó 625 estudiantes matriculados en los doce semestres del pregrado de medicina en una universidad privada de Medellín-Colombia. Se diseñó un cuestionario para el estudio que incluía variables sociodemográficas, un listado de psicofármacos y productos herbales y aspectos relacionados con las actitudes, los conocimientos y las prácticas frente a la automedicación durante el último año. Resultados: edad mediana 20 años. Rango intercuartílico 2 años, edad mínima 18 y máxima 28 años. El 67% fueron mujeres, la razón mujer: hombre fue 2:1. El 39.5% de los estudiantes se automedica con productos herbales o psicofármacos. El 16.7% se automedicó para dormir mejor. El 14.5% para disminuir el estrés y la ansiedad y el 8.3% para mejorar el ánimo. El 90.1% de los estudiantes consideraron la automedicación una práctica insegura. Sin embargo el 78.6% afirmó que continuaría haciéndolo. Conclusiones: cuatro de cada diez estudiantes de medicina encuestados (39.5%) se automedica con productos herbales o psicofármacos para mejorar síntomas mentales comunes como insomnio, depresión y ansiedad. El elevado uso de medicamentos sin supervisión profesional expone a los estudiantes a efectos secundarios indeseables, dependencia y manejo subóptimo de síntomas mentales que deterioran la calidad de vida de futuros profesionales de la salud.

Objective: Self-medication is a common practice among university students worldwide. The objective of this article is to explore the attitudes, knowledge, and practices regarding self-medication of herbal products and psychotropic drugs in medical students. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive study that included 625 students from all twelve semesters offered at the medicine program at a private university in Medellin, Colombia. A questionnaire was designed for the study which included sociodemographic variables, a list of psychotropic drugs and herbal products, and aspects related to attitudes, knowledge, and practices regarding self-medication during the last year. Results: Median age was 20 years and interquartile range was 2 years; minimum age was 18 and maximum was 28 years. 67% were women; the female to male ratio was 2:1. 39.5% of the students self-medicated with herbal or psychoactive drugs. 16.7% self-medicated to sleep better, 14.5% to reduce stress and anxiety, and 8.3% for mood enhancement. 90.1% of the students considered self-medication an unsafe practice. However, 78.6% stated that they would continue self-medicating. Conclusion: Four out of ten (39.5%) medical students surveyed self-medicate with herbal products or psychotropic drugs to improve common mental symptoms such as insomnia, depression, and anxiety. The high use of medications without professional supervision exposes students to undesirable side effects, dependence, and suboptimal management of mental symptoms that deteriorate the quality of life of future health professionals.

Objetivo: a automedicação em estudantes de medicina é uma prática comum que representa importantes riscos pessoais. O objetivo deste artigo é explorar as atitudes, conhecimentos e práticas frente à automedicação de produtos ervais e psicofármacos em estudantes de medicina. Metodologia: estudo descritivo transversal que incluiu 625 estudantes matriculados nos doze semestres da graduação de medicina numa universidade privada de Medellín-Colômbia. Se desenhou um questionário para o estudo que incluía variáveis sócio-demográficas, um listado de psicofármacos e produtos ervais e aspectos relacionados com as atitudes, os conhecimentos e as práticas frente à automedicação durante o último ano. Resultados: idade média 20 anos. Faixa interquartílico 2 anos, idade mínima 18 e máxima 28 anos. 67% foram mulheres, a razão mulher: homem foi de 2:1. 39.5% dos estudantes se automedica com produtos ervais ou psicofármacos. 16.7% se automedicou para dormir melhor. 14.5% para diminuir o estresse e a ansiedade e 8.3% para melhorar o ânimo. 90.1% dos estudantes consideraram a automedicação uma prática insegura. Embora 78.6% afirmou que continuaria fazendo. Conclusões: quatro de cada dez estudantes de medicina entrevistados (39.5%) se automedica com produtos ervais ou psicofármacos para melhorar sintomas mentais comuns como insônia, depressão e ansiedade. O elevado uso de medicamentos sem supervisão profissional expõe aos estudantes a efeitos secundários indesejáveis, dependência e manejo em deficiência de sintomas mentais que deterioram a qualidade de vida de futuros profissionais da saúde.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Self Medication , Psychotropic Drugs , Students, Medical , Universities , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Depression , Drug Utilization , Education, Medical, Undergraduate
J Surg Educ ; 75(3): 656-663, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29079109


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: During the 2015-2016 academic year, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM) conducted a required 1-week surgical simulation course as the first week of students' 8-week surgical clerkship. This course was adapted from a pilot RVUCOM surgical simulation course and other surgical simulation courses identified in the literature. The objectives of this course were to teach surgical skills and clinical knowledge, aid students in adjusting to the stress of a surgical clerkship, and improve students' confidence and abilities during the clerkship. METHODS: In all, 148 students participated in the surgical simulation course. Subjective assessment of this course included each student completing a daily standardized stress survey and student feedback surveys at the end of the course and at the end of the surgical clerkship. Objective assessment of this course compared precourse and postcourse tests of surgical knowledge and instrument identification, as well as comparison of NBME Surgery Subject Assessment percentile ranks of this class with 3 prior classes. RESULTS: Daily stress surveys indicated decreased stress on day 5 compared to day 1 (p < 0.01). Students' confidence level increased significantly on day 5 compared to day 1 (p < 0.01). Student feedback surveys demonstrated students' perception that surgical skills and clinical skills had been learned during the course and that the course improved their performance during the surgical clerkship. NBME Surgery Subject Assessment percentile rank improved significantly (p < 0.01) from a mean percentile rank of 36.94 for 3 previous classes to a mean percentile rank of 43.82 for the class who completed the simulation course. Surgical knowledge improved significantly (p < 0.001) from a pretest mean score of 47.02% to a posttest mean score of 55.14%. Surgical instrument identification improved significantly (p < 0.001) from a pretest mean of 13.81% to a posttest mean of 95.28%. CONCLUSION: The RVUCOM surgery simulation course significantly improved student performance academically and helped students acclimate to stress, increase their confidence level, and acquire surgical skills needed during the third-year surgery clerkship.

Clinical Clerkship/methods , Clinical Competence , Osteopathic Medicine/education , Simulation Training/methods , Students, Medical/psychology , Cohort Studies , Colorado , Curriculum , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Female , Humans , Male , Occupational Stress/psychology , Quality Improvement , Retrospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Task Performance and Analysis
Edumecentro ; 9(4): 33-48, oct.-dic. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-891350


Fundamento: en el plan de estudio de la carrera de Medicina, la Medicina Natural y Tradicional responde a un encargo social de la universidad con el objetivo de contribuir a la integración de conocimientos. Objetivo: diseñar una estrategia curricular que permita la integración de Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la disciplina Medicina General Integral con vistas a su implementación. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de tipo documental, en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Enrique Cabrera", en el período 2011-2016. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: el histórico-lógico y análisis-síntesis; y empíricos: análisis documental de los programas de las asignaturas de la disciplina de Medicina General Integral, el Plan de Estudio de la carrera de Medicina, y documentos relativos a las estrategias curriculares. Resultados: se constataron insuficiencias en los documentos revisados acerca de la aplicación de la estrategia curricular de Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la disciplina Medicina General Integral, las cuales fueron aseveradas por los informantes clave, quienes propusieron los contenidos susceptibles de ser incluidos en la propuesta diseñada. Conclusiones: la estrategia fue valorada por los especialistas como pertinente, integradora y con una estructura metodológica factible y flexible.

Background: in the curriculum of the Medicine career, Herbal and Folk Medicine responds to a social commitment of the university with the aim of contributing to the integration of knowledge. Objective: to design a curricular strategy that allows the integration of Herbal and Folk Medicine in the discipline Comprehensive General Medicine for its implementation. Methods: a documentary study was carried out at the "Enrique Cabrera" Faculty of Medical Sciences from 2011 to 2016. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical and analysis-synthesis; and empirical studies: documentary analysis of the programs of the subjects of the Comprehensive General Medicine discipline, the curriculum of the Medicine career, and documents related to curricular strategies. Results: shortcomings were found in the revised documents about the application of the curricular strategy of Herbal and Folk Medicine in the Comprehensive General Medicine discipline, which were asserted by key informants, who proposed the contents that could be included in the proposal designed. Conclusions: the strategy was considered by the specialists as pertinent, integrative and with a feasible and flexible methodological structure.

Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Medicine, Traditional
Rev. méd. Chile ; 144(11): 1479-1485, nov. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845471


Background: To establish an educational environment that ensures the quality of the teaching-learning process is a challenge for any educational institution. The questionnaire DREEM (Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure) is used to identify strengths and weaknesses of an educational environment and to compare different medical schools. Aim: To evaluate the changes in the perception of educational environment by students of the Schools of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza, UZar (Spain) and the University of Chile, UCh (Chile) at two points in their curricula. Material and Methods: DREEM questionnaire was answered by 90 students from the UZar and 87 students of the UCh, when they were in the first year (2009) and in the fourth year of their career (2012). Results: At both universities the overall mean scores of DREAM were significantly higher in students in their first year than those obtained in the fourth year (137.5/118.3 for UZar and 128.6/118.8 for UCh). Items with worse perception in the fourth year were observed in subscales Learning Perception and Atmosphere Perception. Items with good evaluation (≥ 3.0) were the subscales Perception of teachers, academic self-perception, perception of Environment and Social Self-perception. Conclusions: The perception of Chilean and Spanish students about their educational environments indicates that the stage of their medical training is more important than the geographical context or educational institution.

Humans , Young Adult , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical/psychology , Curriculum , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Educational Measurement , Perception , Social Environment , Spain , Time Factors , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Longitudinal Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric
Ochsner J ; 16(1): 45-9, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27046404


BACKGROUND: Healthcare providers must be equipped to recognize and address patients' psychosocial needs to improve overall health outcomes. To give future healthcare providers the tools and training necessary to identify and address psychosocial issues, Lankenau Medical Center in partnership with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine designed the Medical Student Advocate (MSA) program. METHODS: The MSA program places volunteer second-year osteopathic medical students in care coordination teams at Lankenau Medical Associates, a primary care practice serving a diverse patient population in the Philadelphia, PA, region. As active members of the team, MSAs are referred high-risk patients who have resource needs such as food, employment, child care, and transportation. MSAs work collaboratively with patients and the multidisciplinary team to address patients' nonmedical needs. RESULTS: From August 2013 to August 2015, 31 osteopathic medical students volunteered for the MSA program and served 369 patients with 720 identified needs. Faculty and participating medical students report that the MSA program provided an enhanced understanding of the holistic nature of patient care and a comprehensive view of patient needs. CONCLUSION: The MSA program provides students with a unique educational opportunity that encompasses early exposure to patient interaction, social determinants of health, population health, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Students develop skills to help them build patient relationships, understand the psychosocial factors shaping health outcomes, and engage with other healthcare professionals. This work in the preclinical years provides students with the knowledge to help them perform more effectively in the changing healthcare environment.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 35(3): 421-428, jul.-set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-597774


Este artigo pretende iniciar a discussão da condição curricular da Anatomia Humana nos cursos médicos da atualidade frente a tensões que incidem sobre ela, que a podem estar levando a uma crise de manutenção de seu status sociocurricular. Baseamo-nos na análise bibliográfica e documental, conjugando as teorias sócio-históricas da construção dos currículos e disciplinas, a construção da Anatomia nos currículos médicos e condições gerais de apresentação da disciplina nestes currículos para elencarmos quatro tensões para a discussão: introdução de novas propostas de ensino-aprendizado; relação anatomia ensinada, anatomia pesquisada; expansão do ensino; reconfiguração do campo de inserção. Nossa análise nos leva a assinalar uma crise na retórica legitimadora da disciplina, com consequente redução do grau de importância sociocurricular e possível cristalização disciplinar.

This article aims to launch a discussion on the current undergraduate course curriculum in Human Anatomy and the tensions affecting it, which could be placing the course's social and curricular status in jeopardy. Our study is based on a literature review and document analysis, combining social and historical theories with the development of course curricula and disciplines, Human Anatomy in medical curricula, and the general conditions in which this course is presented in curricula, in order to list four tensions for discussion: introduction of new teaching-learning proposals; the relationship between anatomy as taught and anatomy as research; the expansion of teaching; and reshaping the field for inclusion of anatomy. Our analysis reveals a crisis in the underlying rhetoric of the course, resulting in a reduction in its social and curricular importance and a possible crystallization of the discipline.

Anatomy/education , Curriculum/trends , Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Materia Medica Study Methods
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 33(3): 433-440, jul.-set. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: lil-531856


Este artigo analisa estudos que comparam a utilização da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP) na formação médica com o desenvolvimento de currículo tradicional de Medicina. O desenho metodológico, caracterizado como uma revisão da literatura sobre o assunto, realizada a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, apoia-se na busca de artigos em bases de dados e bibliotecas virtuais, publicados de 1998 a 2008, com os termos medicina, graduação, aprendizagem baseada em problemas e ensino tradicional. O material foi estudado a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. A discussão se desenvolve a partir dos resultados acerca do uso da ABP na graduação médica em comparação aos resultados de cursos de currículo tradicional. Conclui-se que o uso da ABP na graduação médica pode ser uma alternativa na implementação das diretrizes brasileiras para a formação médica.

This article examines studies that compare the use of problem-based learning (PBL) in medical training with the development of the traditional medical curriculum. The methodological design, a literature review of the subject with a qualitative approach, was based on an article search in databases and virtual libraries, with publications from 1998 to 2008, using the terms "medicine", "undergraduate education", "problem-based learning" and "traditional education". The material was studied using thematic content analysis. The discussion is based on results with use of PBL in undergraduate medical training, compared to the traditional medical curriculum. In conclusion, PBL in undergraduate medical education can be an alternative to traditional Brazilian curricular guidelines for medical training.

Humans , Problem-Based Learning , Curriculum/trends , Education, Medical/methods , Education, Medical, Undergraduate
(East. Mediterr. health j).
in Arabic | WHOLIS | ID: who-119402


This study gives a historical background on regulations implemented by Islamic scholars to codify medical practice, and highlights the advance of science and technology in the modern era and the need for physicians [along with science and technology] to adhere to religious values. It discusses physicians' responsibilities, the issue of malpractice, and the difference between malpractice and complications. Recommendations are proposed to implement medical ethics in the curriculum of medical colleges around the Islamic world and to promote the role of medical religious committees in Islamic world as is being done in Saudi Arabia

Codes of Ethics , Curriculum , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Malpractice , Medicine, Arabic , Medical Errors